Bloodpunk Progress Update:
almost 2 years ago
– Tue, May 09, 2023 at 11:42:28 AM
Proud citizens of Kanrath and Cyherested,
We are here today with various news on the development of our project. We will talk about our main adventure Heritage of the Damned, our gift adventure Bloocrima's Ascent, and where we are at on the VTTs. We also have some new company practices that we think you’ll like!
Heritage of the Damned
The revisions and editing of our main adventure is complete! We have already started its layout phase. We are planning to release the PDF by the end of this month. Additionally, all the artwork for the adventure is done as well. You can see some of them below:
A Guide to Tolia is Revised
We would like to thank all of you who participated in the feedback process for A Guide to Tolia. Thanks to you, we have fixed a lot of errors and made many sentences clearer. You can re-download the book from your library in DrivethruRPG for the updated PDF.
Bloocrima's Ascent is in Revision
We have finished writing the gift adventure as well. It is currently in revision. Once the revision is complete, it will go into the editing phase, and then to the layout phase. All these processes considered, we are hoping to release it within next month.
Bloodpunk Short Novel
Upon our talks with our writer colleague Steven Savile, we were informed that we can expect the completion of the short novel within June as well. However, we do not have any sneak peeks on the novel as of now.
Virtual Tabletops
As you know, we are also developing Bloodpunk for Foundry VTT, Roll20, and Shard Tabletop. The team we hired for developing it to Foundry VTT is nearly done. We expect that they’ll deliver it to us by May 15th. Once we receive it, we will make quick revisions and then release it.
Although we initially planned otherwise, we’ve had some changes on our plans for the other two VTTs: We are now developing Roll20 and Shard Tabletop versions in-house. We will start the active development of Roll20 by mid-May. Once we complete Roll20, we will get into Shard Tabletop.
Estimation on the Deadlines
With all the PDFs completed within June, we are expecting the files to go to print by the end of June. The sampling and printing process takes 1.5 months once it starts. After the printing is complete, the freight and then the delivery process takes another 2 months. Thus, as of now, we estimate that we will be delivering you physical rewards by the end of September.
Weekly DRS News
We have also decided to become more transparent with our work and inform our backers even more on our progresses and weekly activities. For this, we are planning to make a blog post on our website ( each Monday after our weekly meeting. In these posts, we will mention the stuff we have done the previous week and are planning to do in that week. We will continue posting our regular 1-1.5 month progress updates on Kickstarter as well. This way, you’ll be able to see more into our development phases for Bloodpunk and other projects. You'll be able to see lots of artwork on a weekly basis as well!
See You Next Update
We will see you again when we have passed more of the major checkpoints.
Until we meet again,
Have fun in your gloriously bloody adventures in Tolia! See you next update!
A Guide to Tolia is Released!
almost 2 years ago
– Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 11:12:53 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
A Guide to Tolia is in the Layout Phase!
about 2 years ago
– Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 05:20:28 AM
Proud citizens of Kanrath and Cyherested,
We are here today with news on our latest progress in the Bloodpunk campaign. We are in the layout phase of the campaign setting, A Guide to Tolia, which means that it will be ready for you soon! On the adventure Heritage of the Damned, we are still in the editing phase and it will get into the layout phase right after the campaign setting.
A Guide to Tolia is in the Layout Phase!
We are currently working on the layout of the campaign setting of Bloodpunk, A Guide to Tolia. We believe that in each new book we release, we become more skillful in our presentation, and we have to say, this book seems to be one of the best ones we have achieved so far! To us, the pages look amazing and very intriguing, reflecting the grim, industrial, and bloody atmosphere of the setting quite well! So without further ado, here are some samples, so you can judge how the layout is going for yourself!
Latency Due to Earthquake
We were going to post this update a week before, but we sadly had some latencies in our work due to the earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria. We tried to do as much as we can to help (and you will find more information in this regard below), but beyond that, we were deeply saddened by this catastrophe (to say the least) and most of us have been glued to our screens to get updates on what’s going on. Our productivity decreased greatly as a result, and we are sorry for this latency.
Help for Earthquake Relief
As many of you may have heard, a very devastating earthquake hit Turkey and Syria. Thankfully, we, our family and friends are safe, but many people have been affected by this catastrophe. Currently the declared death toll is almost over 40 000, with around 100 000 wounded. Sadly, many people are still under the rubble and as we are reaching the end of the emergency hours for survival after an earthquake, their fates are unknown.
In order to help our country and people who were affected by the earthquake, we’ve decided to donate all our profits from our PDF sales in Drivethrurpg to help the earthquake centers. We kindly ask you to join us in this relief effort and make a purchase, knowing that all the money you spend will be donated to this cause. LINK OF THE STORE
A small donation may not seem like much to you, but due to the currency differences, even a 1 dollar or 1 pound donation can be of great help to many in need.
See You Next Update
Until we meet again,
Have fun in your gloriously bloody adventures in Tolia! See you next update!
Progress Update: Layout Started!
about 2 years ago
– Sat, Jan 14, 2023 at 07:56:28 AM
Proud citizens of Kanrath and Cyherested,
We are here today with news on the developments on the campaign setting and the adventure. The revisions and artwork for A Guide to Tolia are nearly complete, and it will go into the layout phase soon. Heritage of the Damned has a majority of its artworks ready and is currently in the editing phase. Finally, we wanted to clarify some dates on our fulfillment timeline.
A Guide to Tolia
We want to thank all of you who participated in the test play and provided feedback for us. We have made many revisions in light of this feedback, which will be completed very soon. Additionally, nearly all of the artwork for the book is complete. We are only waiting for the last two of them, which are currently being worked on by the art studio.
Here are some of the many artworks of the book:
We have already started work on the layout and we look forward to getting you some great-looking books as soon as possible.
Heritage of the Damned
We are in the editing phase for the adventure. The editing is going well and we expect it to be completed soon. Majority of the artwork for the book is also ready, but we are still waiting for a number of artworks and scenes from our artists. Here are some of the artworks from Heritage of the Damned:
Bloodpunk Short Novel
We have finished the concept phase with our friend Steven, who is the author of this novel. He will begin drafting the story very shortly, and we will be in constant communications with him on every milestone of the short novel. We might show some of the first few pages as a teaser in the future. :)
Bloodpunk OST
The soundtracks for Bloodpunk are complete, but they are in the final edit and furnishing phase. We essentially were waiting for them to be complete to write post our Kickstarter update but had to post an update for the demand before that happened. Still, no worries, you can expect another update from us soon, with the release of the OST. :)
Fulfillment Timeline
We have received some messages and comments from our backers in regards to our fulfillment timeline, and we wanted to clarify this topic for all of you. Please note that as we mentioned on our campaign page during the Kickstarter campaign time, we expected postponing the PDF release and physical books’ delivery dates according to the stretch goals.
Currently, this is in fact the case. We are planning to release all of our PDFs during Spring 2023, and planning for a physical fulfillment period in Summer 2023. However, we are going faster than these postponed dates for A Guide to Tolia, and you can expect to receive its PDF in early March if not February.
See You Next Update
Until we meet again,
Have fun in your gloriously bloody adventures in Tolia! See you next update!
Silverplate Has Just Launched!
about 2 years ago
– Wed, Dec 07, 2022 at 10:45:16 AM
Hello all,
We hope you are having fun with the alpha document of Bloodpunk!
We would like to thank you very much for your interest in Bloodpunk! You made it possible for us to bring this project to life! Today, we are here with another work of ours.This time, we present you with an interesting taste! Although it is still grim and dark as usual, it is also quite fun and more goofy than the stuff you are used to. We present you with Silverplate: A Tasty Campaign Setting for 5E!
Welcome to the brutal, glamorous and scrumptious lands of Silverplate! From the Sundae Mountains all the way to the Mushroom Forests, the Plate is filled with foodfolk; edible creatures who’ve been burned, fileted, poached, and boiled but managed to survive through it all. Will you join them in the throes of turning points in the history of Silverplate?
Silverplate is the foodfolk setting for 5E. All the realm is made of various food-people and animals, as well as a range of ingredients. In this setting, you’ll get to play as the food or drink of your choice as you face the challenges this appetizing but also brutal realm throws at you.
With an unending combination of player options, players will find ample opportunity to explore the most memorable and fun characters to become heroes in these fantastic lands or get eaten trying! Whether you’re a coffee cleric rejuvenating your party, a corn ranger sneaking through a thick forest of sugar beets, or a donut barbarian hunting a fearsome fried chicken dragon, this game is teeming with new experiences for anyone with a taste of adventure!
Curious about the player options? Well, dig right in and have a playtaste! Download the demo booklet now to cook yourself a hero! Got any feedback? We're all ears!
See You Next Update
Until we meet again,
Have fun in your gloriously bloody adventures in Tolia! See you next update!