Bloodpunk: A Dark Victorian Setting and an Adventure for DnD 5E
Created by Dream Realm Storytellers
Now, blood has a whole new meaning. Come get swept away in the adventure and use the guide to find your way in these dreadful lands.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
More Spells Unlocked!
almost 3 years ago
– Sun, May 22, 2022 at 03:52:53 AM
Dear proud citizens of Kanrath and Cyherested,
We are happy to announce that we have reached $130K and you have unlocked yet another stretch goal! With the More Spells stretch goal reached, we are now adding many more spells to our spell list!
While working on the spells in Bloodpunk, we aimed to reflect the themes and tastes of the setting. Naturally, this separates these spells from the regular spells of 5E. Thus, adding more spells to our collection is not only an addition of content to our already content-rich collection, but it’s also a means to fortify the themes of this setting.
We thank you again for making this a reality. The idea may have come from us, but in actuality, it is you that makes it a reality, and with your support we are able to give more meaning to Bloodpunk with all the content we are stretching to!
See You Next Update!
We hope to see you soon when our next stretch goal, Bloodpunk OST Expansion, is unlocked!
Until then;
Have fun in your gloriously bloody adventures in Tolia! See you next update!
More Archetypes Unlocked!
almost 3 years ago
– Sat, May 21, 2022 at 02:03:19 AM
Hello proud citizens of Kanrath and Cyherested,
We greet you with a short but joyous update regarding our next stretch goal! We are now past $120K and the More Archetypes stretch goal is unlocked!
This means we will include many more archetypes to our already stuffy list in the Region Guide to Tolia book. This also means that you, the players and GMs, will have more of the awesome options for your characters to fight against the tyranny of the two cities and carve your bloody path to glory in this challenging setting!
We wanted to show you a video clip showing how our Archetype drawings are made.
See You Next Update!
We hope to see you very soon when our next stretch goal, More Spells, is unlocked! If you cannot wait for the books (neither can we), we wish you a happy reading of our hefty demo booklet of 49 pages for some cool tryout games so you can have a taste!
Have fun in your gloriously bloody adventures in Tolia! See you next update!
We Have a Surprise!
almost 3 years ago
– Fri, May 20, 2022 at 01:11:07 AM
Greetings proud citizens of Kanrath and Cyherested,
We are here today with even more good news for you about Bloodpunk! We have unlocked our fourth stretch goal, and we’ve also had a look at VTT options and have come to a decision that provides you with a gift!
Bloodpunk Lite for Roll20 as a Gift!
We are in the midst of having conversations with Roll20, Shard Tabletop, (and even more to come - check FAQ) for the implementation options of Bloodpunk, and we’ve reached some conclusions with the insight of their offers. Firstly, we have decided that we will provide you with Bloodpunk Lite Edition in Roll20 as a gift!
Anyone who signs up for the PDF pledges and above will receive their Bloodpunk Lite Edition as a gift. You can be sure that in Bloodpunk Lite for Roll20, we will include 50 of the best monsters and NPCs from the books, as well as all the maps.
VTT Options for Bloodpunk in Pledges
With the coming of the VTT options, we are also revising our pledges. Firstly, with the excitement of our entry to the realm of VTTs, we wanted to celebrate this by having ALL VTTs (Roll20, Shard Tabletop, and perhaps even more) included in the Collection and [Early-Bird] Collection pledges!
Secondly, we will include two digital pledges on top of our PDF pledges, Book PDF + VTT and Digital Library + VTT. You can check out these pledges and their prices below! The PDF(s) are gift to those pledges.
Finally, if you have made a Hardcover or Hardcover Library pledge, the VTT of your choice will be available to you as an add-on in Backerkit pledge manager with a 30% discount!
VTT Options as Add-Ons
No matter which pledge you have chosen, you will be able to get the VTT of your choice as add-ons as well. Below you can check our VTT add-on prices. They will also be present in our Kickstarter campaign page.
Chapter Arts Stretch Goal Unlocked!
We also want to thank you a lot for your support in bringing us to this point! We are at the end of our second day and we’ve already unlocked our fourth stretch goal! Thanks to you, we now will have masterpieces for our chapter arts, as we’d always like to have in our books!
See You Very Soon!
By the time we are posting this update, we will be very close to unlocking our fifth stretch goal! We hope to see you very soon in another update when we unlock the More Archetypes stretch goal as well!
Have fun in your gloriously bloody adventures in Tolia!
We Are Funded! Thank You!
almost 3 years ago
– Thu, May 19, 2022 at 04:43:29 AM
Hello citizens of Kanrath and Cyherested,
We are very, gratefully surprised to see that we are funded in just 9 minutes! We thank you from the depths of our hearts for your tremendous support and interest in our books! With you on our side, we came this far, from our first Svilland campaign years ago, to all the way to Bloodpunk, our fifth Kickstarter, together.
For the celebration of such a joyous time, The Fourth Child, the very daughter of the founder of Kanrath itself, would like to wish you well:
Cherished visitor,
I would like to begin by expressing my exuberance at your interest in gracing our fair city with your presence. Speaking in the name of the royal family and my most esteemed brother the Crimson King, may he one day share in the glory of my father; welcome.
Secondly, I would like to say that all of us in Kanrath are much obliged to you for your donation of blood; the very essence of life itself, the crimson ichor that flows through your veins. Rest easy, knowing that all donations shall be used for the welfare of Kanrath; a city you yourself are now part of.
Thirdly, and most importantly, being aware that there are others trying to compete with our might and glory, I would like to congratulate you on your unparalleled, refined selectivity. We will make sure that such ingenuity is rewarded as it ought to be.
We’re Off to a Great Start! 3 Stretch Goals Unlocked!
almost 3 years ago
– Thu, May 19, 2022 at 04:43:07 AM
Dear proud citizens of Kanrath and Cyherested,
We would like to thank you from the bottom of all our hearts for the great start we had together! We are really happy and surprised to see such enthusiasm for our project! Additionally, you’ve already unlocked 3 stretch goals, and the fourth one is fast approaching!
What a Great Start!
We put our heart and souls into our work, and we really hoped for Bloodpunk to be a hit with all of you as it is with us. We are so glad that our hopes bore fruit with such a banging start to the campaign!
More Art, Bloodpunk OST, and Cloth Map Unlocked!
We are pleased to announce that we have unlocked the first three stretch goals; More Art, Bloodpunk OST, and Cloth Map. We would like to take a little of your time to explain what we will do with them.
With the stretch goal of More Art unlocked, we are now able to expand our budget to increase both the quantity and quality of our artwork in both books.
If you have been with us since our first Kickstarter, you know how much attention we give to our artwork, and how much we try to improve ourselves in every new title. With this goal reached, we will continue to fulfill our promise and venture forth in our quest to make our artwork even better, because if you ask us, excellence in artwork is a never-ending adventure!
Ever since we met Ivan Duch for our Svilland & Freyja’s Tears OST years ago, we have been in love with his work. It is fascinating to see how much effort and detail he is willing to put into each project. It is also a great feeling to hear something that you have in your mind come to life with real musical notes and awesome vocals. In our OST, we aim to portray what it feels like to adventure, explore, role-play, and fight in Tolia.
With this goal reached, we are able to continue working with him and create an OST for Bloodpunk as well. We are extremely excited about the music we will make together. If you wish to hear a sample of his music and what our OST sounds like, you can check out Svilland Campaign Setting (Original Game Soundtrack) on Spotify, as well as the background music of our Kickstarter presentation video here!
We really like cloth maps, and we think you’ll like them too! We think they are more durable, and way cooler in appearance. However, they tend to be more expensive to set-up and produce when compared with paper maps.
Thanks to you, we have now reached our goal to fund the production of these cloth maps! Cloth Maps of Tolia will be available to you as both an upgrade and an add-on: In the surveys of Backerkit pledge manager after the campaign, you will be able to upgrade your paper map of Tolia to a cloth one at a discounted price, or you can choose to keep the paper one and add the cloth map into your collection.
Early-Bird Ending Soon
Seeing how much attention our Early-Bird discount received, and looking at the comments you have thankfully provided us with, we’ve decided to increase the number of Early-Bird discounts available, as many of you know.
However, as we are now approaching the end of the first day, we wanted to notify you that early-bird will not be available past 11:30 AM Pacific Time. If you wish to get the whole collection at such a cheap price, you might wanna act fast and grab your early-bird pledge!
See You Very Soon!
As we are writing this update, we are already very close to $90K! This means that we will hopefully see you very soon in our next update when our fourth stretch goal, Chapter Arts, is unlocked!
Have fun in your gloriously bloody adventures in Tolia!