
Bloodpunk: A Dark Victorian Setting and an Adventure for DnD 5E

Created by Dream Realm Storytellers

Now, blood has a whole new meaning. Come get swept away in the adventure and use the guide to find your way in these dreadful lands.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Progress Update: Adventure is Done and Art Reveal!
about 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 28, 2022 at 03:45:02 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Alpha Document Released - Check KS messages
over 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 02:11:39 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

New Kickstarter in the Kitchen, Play Test Surveys Sent
over 2 years ago – Fri, Oct 07, 2022 at 01:12:09 AM

Proud citizens of Kanrath and Cyherested,

We are happy to say we have two pieces of great news for you today! Our first piece of news is about a Kickstarter project that’s on its way and that we are incredibly excited about, and the second is about the test play surveys for the Alpha Document of  Bloodpunk - A Guide to Tolia.

A Delicious Project: Silverplate

Dream Realm Storytellers is undertaking another project on Kickstarter, one we have been talking about for some time. The Land of Silverplate will be none like others you’ve seen, and the adventures cooked up within will be sure to leave a wonderful aftertaste.

In this land where one could find unusual terrain such as the Sundae Mountain, where you’ll hear talk of cosmic entities such as the Great Eater and the Cook, you can play as your favorite food or drink, cooking yourself up from ingredientswith a unique method of race creation.

The project will focus on a setting book, and a book of adventures as well as many appetizing stretch goals. We hope that this project will be just as exciting for you as it is for us!

You can click here for the pre-launch page

Surveys for A Guide to Tolia

We’ve sent you the surveys for the test play of the alpha document in the email addresses you’ve provided. We’d like to thank you in advance for your valuable feedback, which we always appreciate.

See You Next Update!

Until we meet again,

Have fun in your gloriously bloody adventures in Tolia! See you next update!

Roll for Initiative! Monthly Adventures in Patreon!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Sep 21, 2022 at 02:42:50 PM

Dear proud citizens of Kanrath and Cyherested,

We’re here today with marvelous news regarding our work. We have finally arrived at our launch date for our Patreon page! We are proud to present Prisca’s Archives, a dark library of small adventures for 5E!

Prisca’s Archives

Picking one book off the dusty shelves of the archives each month, we reveal the adventure within. In roughly 30 pages, each adventure features thematic monsters, items, dungeons, NPCs, and -of course- some beautiful artwork!

Each month has a different theme such as arctic nights, Lovecraftian horrors, dwarven kingdoms, or fey adventures. The level of the adventures changes monthly as well, from the lovely little first level all the way up to the heroic 20.

We have two pledge levels, librarian and keeper at $5 and $7 a month, respectively. Both get Prisca’s Archives printer-friendly PDFs. At $7, the Foundry VTT version of the PDFs are also available, which are not included in the $5 pledge.

The first book of this series will be released in the first week of October. If you have Corpus Malicious in hand, you may want to look at page 351 for a small taste of this first book! :)

See You Next Update!

Until we meet again,

Have fun in your gloriously bloody adventures in Tolia! See you next update!

Writing of Tolia is Complete!
over 2 years ago – Sun, Sep 18, 2022 at 08:58:18 PM

Dear proud citizens of Kanrath and Cyherested,

Today we greet you with several topics about our fulfillment process. We would like to happily announce that the writing of Bloodpunk - A Guide to Tolia is now complete! The writing of Bloodpunk - Heritage of the Damned is also going strong!

Bloodpunk - A Guide to Tolia

We would like to admit, the writing for this book was quite a fresh experience for us. Mixing the concepts of 5E with semi-modern elements, as well as providing solid explanations for all the technologies that made Bloodpunk, well, Bloodpunk, was very different from writing our other books. We took many more and much longer sessions to discuss the contents of this book, in order to ensure that the contents best reflected what we wanted to do with that project. 

We are really grateful for this challenge. Our long-time backers would know that we always aim for the unorthodox in our works, and this book became the most novel take on 5E in our collection! We are proud to say that we have overcome all the challenges we have faced, and we really love the final product.

While we were writing it, our very talented artists kept the artworks coming! Here are some of the new pieces for Bloodpunk:

Right now the book is in the editing phase, and we will take it into the layout phase as soon as the editing is complete. We can’t wait to release this book and deliver the PDF to you!

Alpha Document is Ready!

While the book is being edited, we will be providing the alpha document for test play! We will post another Kickstarter update regarding this topic soon, so keep in touch if you wish to partake in the test play of Bloodpunk!

Last 2 Weeks for the Pledge Manager

We would also like to remind you that we are coming to the end of our pledge manager period. As you’d recall, the pledge manager was to remain open for 1.5 months, and this means we will lock orders and charge the cards on September 30th.

Please make sure that you fill your survey for your address information, and that you add any add-ons you would like to supplement your order with. If you have lost your survey link, don’t worry, we will send you a reminder email on Backerkit right after we post this update.

Once the orders are locked, you won’t be able to get add-ons anymore, but you will be able to change your address - if needed - until the end of the printing process that will take place much later. So no worries if you are planning on moving after this survey is complete!

Shipping Will be Charged Later

It is important that we remind you shipping will be charged much later, during or after the printing process. This will allow us to pinpoint the shipping costs rather than take estimates that are subject to change, especially in the current state of global shipping. Although the changes are minimal for individual backers, its cumulative effects tend to be financially heavy for us, and thus we wish to clarify our shipping costs before charging them.

See You Next Update!

We wish you a good time with your surveys! We will see you again in our alpha document update in the future!

Until we meet again,

Have fun in your gloriously bloody adventures in Tolia! See you next update!